1985, US-President Ronald Reagen welcomes Prince Frederic to the White House in Washington D.C.
US-President Ronald Reagan sends a letter to my wife a sends his greetings to my wife as well.
 In 1985, US-President Ronald Reagan receives Zsa Zsa Gabor at the White House.
 The Queen of England, Prince Philipp, and Nancy Reagen welcome Zsa Zsa Gabor
Christmas 1986: Arnold as a guest at my villa in Bel-Air
1987, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Prince Frederic at dinner with US-President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan in Washington.
1975, Zsa Zsa Gabor being received at the White House by US-President Gerald Ford.
1973, Zsa Zsa Gabor is a guest of US-President Richard Nixon at the White House.
 King Karl Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden as guests at our Villa in Bel-Air.
 1972, US-President Richard Nixon welcomes Zsa Zsa Gabor in the White House Garden in Wasington D.C.
 Eva Gabor with Merv Griffin
High-value invitations like this one appear twice a week on our schedule. It was a difficult job.

Charlie Chaplin, Jimmy Stewart, Bob Hope and Zsa Zsa Gabor
 Just another Invitation from the White House
 A thank you note from US-President George Bush. Zsa Zsa and I where deeply involved in his presidential campaign.
 1985, First Lady Nancy Reagan receive Prince Frederic at the International Horse Show in Washington
 First Lady Nancy Reagan compliments Prince Frederic on his riding skills at a competition and hands him flowers.
 Zsa Zsa thanks the First Lady for the attention paid the Prince during his riding exhibition.
 Zsa Zsa took the flowers away from Frederic and said loudly: "Flowers look better on me." Everyone found it funny.
 Welcome guests in the Russian embassy. After all, Russian Empress Catherine the Great was my aunt!
 While the ambassador is flirting with my wife, I have to deal with his spouse.
 German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
 Each year, President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton sent us their regards from the White House for Christmas.
 In their eight years of office, they always remembered us for Christmas. It was a great honor!
Visiting a military parade between the highest U.S. generals.
My wife is thrilled.
 Prince Frederic visiting the U.S. Secretary of State and NATO Supreme Commander General Alexander Haig and wife in Washington.
 NATO Suppreme Commander Alexander Haig



 U.S. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Caspar Weinberger with Zsa Zsa Gabor